A Definitive Guide to the Japanese Tea Ceremony

For the Japanese, the preparation of tea comes with a rich history of culture and tradition dating all the way back to AD 900. 

It can take many years for a practitioner to perform the tea-drinking ceremony correctly, and for good reason. 

The art of the Japanese tea ceremony, especially ‘Chanoyu’ (also called “tea gathering” by practitioners) combines elements encompassing fine arts, architecture, landscape design, and even the seasons. No two Japanese tea rituals are the same, which is what makes them so special. 

At Sakura Box, we’ll settle into why the Japanese tea ceremony is so important, and how anyone and everyone can experience a small part of this fascinating and rewarding culture.  

What is Chanoyu? 

Directly translated, Chanoyu means “hot water for tea”, but that’s like saying writing a novel is just putting a bunch of words together. There’s a lot more to it than that. 

Let’s look at what makes the Japanese tea ceremony and Chanoyu so unique: 

Key Elements of Chanoyu


The act of certain Japanese drinking tea is imbued with the Zen principles of harmony (和), respect (敬), purity (清), and tranquility (寂). These principles guide the interactions during the tea ceremony and the preparation of the space and utensils.

Utensils and Tools

Specific tools are used, including the chawan (tea bowl), chasen (tea whisk), chashaku (tea scoop), and tea kettle. Each item has a particular form and functionality, and many are considered works of art.

Cultural Etiquette

Chanoyu is more than just drinking tea; it is a spiritual and philosophical path that embodies the Japanese concept of "ichi-go ichi-e" (一期一会), a phrase that reminds participants that each meeting should be treasured as it will never occur again in one's lifetime. 

The tea ceremony encourages mindfulness, attention to detail, and a deep appreciation of the present moment. It’s a profound cultural practice in Japan, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only place you can do it. 

What is Tea Ceremony Etiquette?

Building off of the cultural etiquette, the ritual of the tea ceremony is an art form in and of itself. 

The ceremony has certain rules to follow: 

The Rules of a Japanese Tea Ceremony

  • First, guests should enter the tea room in a specific order, typically led by the main guest, and follow a precise path to their designated spots.
  • Each guest must handle the tea utensils and tea bowl with utmost respect and care. This includes how they hold, pass, and use the utensils during the tea ceremony.
  • Silence is an essential part of the ceremony, allowing participants to meditate on their actions and appreciate the tranquility of the environment.
  • Guests should wait to begin until the host has given a signal. The tea bowl is rotated before drinking, avoiding drinking from its front.
  • Throughout the ceremony, there is an emphasis on mutual respect and acknowledgment. Guests thank the host for the tea and often engage in a calm and respectful conversation.
  • Exiting the tea room follows a prescribed manner, showing respect for the host and the shared experience.

What Should I Wear to a Tea Ceremony?

If you find yourself attending a Japanese tea ceremony (or you’re performing one of your own) then remember that participants should wear appropriate and modest attire. 

This can be a casual dress and blazer, the kind you would wear to an office or traditional event. 

It could also be more traditional clothing like kimonos if you really want to go the whole nine yards. 

What are the Common Japanese Snacks at a Tea Ceremony?

The ceremony isn’t just all about tea, there are plenty of tasty snacks that can go with the Japanese ritual, such as: 

You can also order an assortment of authentic Japanese snacks for your tea-drinking ceremony with a Dagashi Box

For vegetarians, the Vegetarian/Halal Friendly Dagashi Gift Box is the perfect accompaniment for a Japanese tea ceremony.  

Contact us at Sakura Box to get started with fast delivery of treats for your Japanese tea ritual wherever you are!